Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Peanut Talk

Peanuts have had an interesting role in my diet during the last few weeks. To start things off, I realized that they are the perfect partner for coffee, so I was munching on quite a few whenever I drank coffee. The stores usually sell what they call "Butter Peanuts", which are pretty much peanuts with a slight butter flavor, but barely noticable, and very delicious (as peanuts usually are). The stores also sell peanut butter, even American peanut butter, but as you can see the only peanut butter this store, and most stores for that matter, have always costs $4 for a tiny jar.

I still have tried the "my jam", but I am a little curious. So instead of the peanut butter, I bought something that seemed like it could be similar called "peanut cream" (pictured below) which costs just a dollar for that small container.

Unfortunately it wasn't very good. It's a very thin peanut cream, and doesn't really taste very good. It kind of reminded me of a thick caramel, but with a peanut flavor. I'm glad I tried it, but I'm pretty sure I won't be buying it again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that reminds me that i need to go get those peanut cracker things. and most importantly i miss my little brother.