Monday, June 8, 2009

Long View Pt. 2

The last week and a half or so really flew by, and while I realized I wasn't updating this as well as I should have been, I also found that there really wasn't that much time to anyway. I was having a conversation with my friend Bad Sam (but he's actually a really good guy, I don't know how he and Good Sam got their adjectives), and we realized that our apartments are kind of like traps, making it harder and harder to go out and see the city the more we go home. So instead of going home after class, we used the afternoon to bike up to the bottom of the eastern mountains of Kyoto, and go on the 30 minute hike up to what is known as Daimonji (meaning "large character" (as in letter, not cartoon character)). So we did, and by the time we got up to the top were exhausted. It was very worth the trek though, since it gave us this really terrific view of Kyoto, making Kyoto Tower look like small potatoes. While these pictures show the view pretty well, there's no way they could possibly show what it was really like being up there. And for those of you that like things comically literal like I do, Daimonji probably got its name from the gigantic character that is written on the mountain, which is the character for "big". It kind of looks like the Blair Witch Project symbol: 大 .

I'll write more, I promise!


Anonymous said...

Awesome view. Let's put this on the to-do list. --Buzzsaw

Maira said...

Did they put the kanji up there because they couldn't think of any more names for their mountains? :\ Anyway, I remember seeing that when I was in Kyoto and thinking it was a prank.