Thursday, June 18, 2009

Adventure Day Pt. II

My body was a little slower and worn out today thanks to a successful Adventure Day yesterday. I was also mentally worn out from a lack of sleep, which was also due to the successful Adventure Day. My body was so tired that my mind really couldn't relax and fall asleep, which was a first of its kind. We (me, Bad Sam, and Felix) actually went back in search of the same lake as last week, and found it! It was about 14-15 miles away, up and down hills, around windy curves, through small dirt paths, all surrounded by millions of the greenest trees I've seen. We were exhausted at many points on the way up, it took us about two hours under the sun to get there, so when we finally walked over a sandy hill and saw the big, sparkling lake, we had that magical moment that doesn't occur in reality enough. There was one guy leaving as we parked our bikes, and after that we had the lake all to ourselves. We walked around to the opposite side and set up camp on some 20 ft. rocks right on the water. We only had tea, chips, and chocolates this time, but the tea was really all that mattered to us at that point. And not having to bike uphill anymore, that was also important to us. We eventually waded into the water to cool off a little, and Sam was ofcourse the only one willing to go for a full swim out into deeper water. That sounded like it'd be really refreshing, but I also didn't feel like biking home all wet, so I stayed in knee-high water. A little later we decided to head back, which was mostly downhill. The thrill of the long ride down, along with our sense of accomplishment, provided us with plenty of energy to finish the adventure and make our way back into the heart of the city. Before we got back to Felix's apartment to get all of our stuff, we were already planning our next adventure. But we're not sure where exactly, maybe the same lake again! It's definitely high up on the list.
So my body and mind were worn out today, but it's okay because it was the day that I have the two teachers that I don't like very much. I have my two favorite teachers tomorrow, so I'll be nice and recharged by then for class, and the weekend.

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