Saturday, June 27, 2009

Camera, etc.

Hey kids, so I just realized something. A reason I haven't been posting as much is because I haven't been carrying my digital camera around with me as much, and therefore have fewer pictures to post. I mostly use my film camera, and haven't gotten those pictures developed yet. I also think it'd be fun to post some of my random pictures from my phone. They include my friends goofing off in restaurants, cute postcards, delicious food, and a beautiful lake. So step one will be to start carrying around my digital camera in my pocket like I did the first 2 months here. Step two will be to develop that roll of film, and step three to get the pictures from my phone onto my computer and then up here eventually. Sounds fun, wish me luck! I have a few people visiting this week, and also have the proficiency test next weekend (which will require lots of studying), and my friend Good Sam's birthday party on the 4th (the night before the test), so there will probably be more things going on than one really knows. Oh, and Good Sam is British, but he still gets a kick out of sharing his birthday with our country. I think he was saying he wants to have hot dogs on Saturday...

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