Friday, July 31, 2009

Lake Biwa

One of my cultural classes had a fun field trip a town next to Lake Biwa, which is the biggest lake in Japan. During out lunch break, a bunch of us decided to go up to the top of the big mountain in the city for a good view of the lake.

There was a gondola lift, but some of us more adventurous types decided to just hike up to the top of the mountain. It took about 30 minutes, so it wasn't that big of a deal.
In the picture is Frederik from Sweden. We usually chat a little about hockey, he's a St. Louis Blues fan. He says it's because they used to have Brett Hull and Al MacInnis, but I think it's because their colors are the same as Sweden's. Behind him is the beginning of the trail up the mountain.

Albert and Kevin are even more adventurous and opted for a very different trail.

These are wishes.

You can see the lake in the top half of this picture, and this sign says the name of the lake "Biwako".

This is the gondola lift that only those willing to pay ~$4 one way rode up and down.

And here is the biggest lake in Japan, Lake Biwa (Biwako in Japanese).

Some things are self-explanatory.

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