Monday, July 13, 2009

Eggie The Eggplant

A package arrived from friends Ilya & Rosie, and this package was filled with a number of treasures. One of the treasures was the new issue of their zine, which had comics, movie and book reviews, stories, and some recipes. I recognized the Eggie The Eggplant recipe right away, recalling the delicious Italian dinner they made for me in my last few weeks in northern California. I was craving it the next few days, and finally got around to making it.

Dip those things above into this thing below...

Toss them into something that looks like this...

And they are even more delicious with tomatoes!

If you're lucky, you'll have left over eggs to scramble. If you're like me, you'll manage to screw up the eggs 9 times out of 10.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

