Saturday, August 1, 2009

Finals Done

~~~, I am actually done with finals. I didn't think they would ever end. We had tests everyday for the past week, every morning, and sometimes again in the afternoons too. I finished writing my paper for my writing class, and after I have my friend look over it, I'll email it to my teacher, and then well, officially done! I guess the finals can explain the recent lack of posting. Not only was there not time to post and write, there really wasn't a lot to post or write about. Studying is studying, and figured I shouldn't post about that.
I have a week until family members arrive, so I'll be doing some last minute preparations for them and packing up stuff so I can move out of my apartment and into hotel after hotel after hotel with the family. It'll be great to see all of them, and I'm excited to introduce them to all kinds of things here. I know a few non-touristy places that I think are great, and I'll only search for more since they won't always have a local to show them around :)
Well, this next week should be filled with plenty of adventures, so expect many posts!

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