Saturday, May 16, 2009

"What band is this?"

This is a video I took at a glasses shop in Tokyo. It was a really cool glasses shop, it had this music theme, some 50's-ish and for some reason a bunch of Tom Waits albums on the wall, which I'm not complaining about, but his music is very different from everything else that was going on there. Either way, I remember digging the 50's tune they were playing when I arrived, so I asked the old man that was working there what song it was. Every time I ask an employee of a store in Japan what song they are playing, they never know. They always have to go to the backroom and bring out the CD case or look it up in one way or another. And this old man was no exception. I can't remember what song it was he pointed to on the case, I just remember being disappointed that this guy hadn't hand-picked the music of this place. However, had he done that and been able to answer me right away, I probably would have engaged him in a conversation, and maybe he knew that, and didn't feel like a conversation on a rainy Tuesday, the last day of a long Golden Week of tourists, etc. Either way, I still dug the whole style of this place, I can only assume it wasn't his creation. I mean, any place that has a bunch of Tom Waits records on the walls has to be worthwhile, right? My $10 glasses have indeed served my sensitive eyes well.

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