Monday, May 25, 2009

The Kyoto Psycho

So I recently met this old Japanese guy who some of us are now calling The Kyoto Psycho. He's harmless, but pretty annoying. Here's what he seems to do pretty consistently: approach a foreign looking person, ask them in English where they're from, and then he says he lived there or near there for some period of time. It's a bit of a stretch, but I might have actually believed him had he just said a few places. But every one of my friends seem to have met this guy, and he always says that he's lived somewhere near where they're from. He's lived in Long Beach, London, Ann Arbor, West Covina, Scotland, San Jose, etc. etc. Had he just lied about living in these places I would probably only think of him as a liar, but he also gets angry if you speak back to him in Japanese. I actually didn't know who he was, and only spoke Japanese to him, and kept on speaking Japanese even though he claimed to not understand me, and while he was walking away, he shouted at me "You can't speak English!". Uhhhh, okay.

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