Sunday, May 24, 2009

On the bus to Nagoya

So I took a bus to Nagoya yesterday (and one back last night), which takes about two and a half hours each way. I killed time by reading my paper back of short stories, napping, and ofcourse listening to my iPod while staring out the window. I realized that the music of Nick Drake goes incredibly well with watching rice paddies and farm houses go by at 75 kilometers per hour. The song I really fell in love with was Man In A Shed, which demonstrates Nick Drake's skillful finger-picking on the guitar, and also has a very cool piano solo (I'm not sure if he played it himself). You can listen to Man In A Shed on YouTube, so check it out here: Nick Drake - Man In A Shed
I first heard Nick Drake on the soundtrack of The Royal Tenenbaums. His song, like all songs on that soundtrack, is very good, and was very well used in the movie. I didn't become a big fan of his until my friend Adam gave me all of his works last year. Thanks to that, I was really able to enjoy that bus ride yesterday. Here's a link to his song from The Royal Tenenbaums: Nick Drake - Fly
Nagoya was cool, but also kind of accurately demonstrated itself as the big city in Japan that isn't famous for anything, which in fact, is what it's famous for. But it was cool walking around and checking it all out. It's bigger than Kyoto and Osaka, but doesn't have the crazy overwhelming attack-on-all-your-senses power that Osaka and Tokyo have. The local food to have there is said to be Miso Katsu, but we couldn't find any restaurants with it, so we settled for regular katsu, which is always really good anyway. If you've never had katsu, you MUST, it's very very good.

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