Friday, April 17, 2009

So Long~

These beautiful cherry blossom trees were all pretty much done by last Monday, two days after I took this picture. They come and go incredibly fast, so if you ever want to see this wonderful season in Kyoto, plan well.
I was thinking about this a little earlier, so I figured I'd throw it up on here.
Things I still haven't done in Japan this time:
1. Ridden in a car
2. Eaten at McDonald's (or technically ever in Japan)
3. Eaten any pizza
4. Ridden the bullet train (but one did bring me sushi :), see first video)
5. Been to a Japanese person's house
6. Karaoke (hopefully this will change, I've been practicing The Cure and The Smiths)
7. Written anyone a letter or postcard (this will change tomorrow)
8. Used honorifics in Japanese (I haven't had to, so.....)
9. Longed for any food from home (because the food is SO good here!)

Well, that's all I can think of so far. Of course there are technically many things I haven't done yet, but including all of them would be boring and a huge hassle.

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