Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sakura River

Okay, so first things first: sorry that this video is sideways. Maybe just tilt your head and computer a little until you're satisfied.
This is a video I took yesterday of the Shirakawa Canal which leads to Ginkaku-ji, the Silver Pavillion. Shirakawa means "white river", and in this video it has turned completely white (or off-white?) from being covered by all of the cherry blossom flowers. Every so often a big wind will come, and it will be snowing with flowers, as it does in the video. I sat at the edge of it there for about half an hour, taking it all in and sipping my bottle of Soukenbicha tea. I had been biking around under the hot sun for a while at that point, and this rest was incredibly refreshing. I would have gone back again today, but I got sunburned enough to want to stay inside a lot today. Maybe after school tomorrow, that'd be fun. Have I told you guys enough how much I love this season in Kyoto? My friends tell me winter was miserable, but that this makes up for it.

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