Thursday, April 9, 2009

Crepe Ojisan

Crepe Ojisan.


Anonymous said...

Just how big are those crepes going to be? That pan looks pretty big. -Buzzsaw

miki (nakage) said...

They look so tasty!!! I wanna go buy crepes now!!
and he is kakkoii oniisan!! Not Ojisan! lol --miki

Kaori said...

kare wa tabun Crepe Otaku dane..

by the way... it that girl Sayako chan..!? is she in Japan? that's nice!

if it's not her, sumimasen..!

Green Eric said...

The name of the place is "Crepe Ojisan" :) It's a chain I think, I've heard there others in other cities. Yeah, he was cool, but he I don't know if he was choosing the music there. We wanted to ask him.

Yeah, he seemed like he could also be the Crepe Otaku. Yeah, that's Sayako, she's in Japan for a little while with her business partner, and was in Kyoto for a few days. We ate hella ramen, it was a lot of fun.

Sonten said...

Does anyone know for franchising this ojisan?