Saturday, November 2, 2013

Walking to School

Last Sunday I joined a club at my school called the "Walking to School Project". My school has a main campus in the city, as well as a campus out in the countryside, a fair 35 kilometers (21.7 miles) away. I rode an early morning train out there, got a little lost along the way, but made it with time to spare before our 9 a.m. departure time. Just over a hundred of us walked single file, two by two, or three by three, slowly making our way from the fields and highways of the countryside to our main campus in the city. We walked for a few hours at a time, took some breaks, had lunch in a park, and played some games along the way. We made it to our destination at around 7 p.m., with 100 plates of curry and rice waiting for us in the dining hall. Walking that far really made the curry taste better, but the next two or three days were a struggle: getting up from my futon, climbing the stairs to class, and especially walking around after having sat for an hour or two. But it was worth it, and would be a lot of fun to do again. Here are some photos:

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