Monday, July 14, 2008

New Name

So I had a tough time coming up with a name for this thing, but I think "Kyoto Calling" is going to work. It still hasn't quite sunk in yet that I'll be living in Kyoto for 4 months, but I'm sure the day I leave will come before I know it. I'm currently working on a list of 100 things to do in Japan, and I think I'm somewhere around 35 right now. It's all written in Japanese on my other Japanese blog, and I don't feel like translating it anytime soon. If anyone has any good ideas let me know, maybe I'll add it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you should take a picture with a duck, like you could be holding the duck or something. Then you could mail the picture to a friend that lives in Chicago. That could count as two things for the list.