Sunday, October 26, 2008

Paper Work

So...the paper work for my trip came like a hurricane, with seemingly soon deadlines and seemingly impossible tasks. I have it all done except for one, the Health Clearance. It's okay because the lady at the EAP office in Goleta said just to send it in when I get it, but it's still frustrating because I'm kind of stuck waiting for the Health Center to get it back to me. Since it's taking them a little while, I'm somewhat worried that something's wrong, as in maybe they found something in my health history they don't like or something. Well, we'll see. More updates when more things come....

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Final Title Change

Somehow this has been the most exciting aspect of preparation thus far. But I think I'm pretty set on this name, "Hey Kyoto", so don't expect any more changes. This url should stay the same too, that had been changing around along with the titles.
As far as preparation is concerned, I'm just trying to keep up on my Japanese skills and add to my list. Somehow, it still hasn't sunk in that I'll be going to school over there!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Nevermind, New Tentative Name

So.....Kyoto Calling is already taken, ha!, I thought I was original, but I guess I wasn't original enough. The new tentative title is Kyoto Krazy. I like it because it's a little cheesey, especially the K in krazy. Let's all hope I can think of something better, hahahahaaaa....

New Name

So I had a tough time coming up with a name for this thing, but I think "Kyoto Calling" is going to work. It still hasn't quite sunk in yet that I'll be living in Kyoto for 4 months, but I'm sure the day I leave will come before I know it. I'm currently working on a list of 100 things to do in Japan, and I think I'm somewhere around 35 right now. It's all written in Japanese on my other Japanese blog, and I don't feel like translating it anytime soon. If anyone has any good ideas let me know, maybe I'll add it.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

First Post

So I decided to create this blog to document my experience in Kyoto, and things leading up to it. I'll do my best to keep things interesting.